Monday, January 1, 2018

How a Maldon hypnotherapist is helping people battling addiction


EVERYONE has a preconception about hypnotherapy and how it works.

But it is nothing like in movies or TV shows, Maldon hypnotherapist Nicky Cox tells me.

Nicky had just qualified having spent 30 years as a nurse and has agreed to give me a hypnotherapy session to see what it is like for myself.

After arriving I’m sat in a wooden armchair in her studio above Maldon’s Emporium on High Street.

She tells me to close my eyes as I prepare to go into a relaxed state, which aims to allow me to concentrate without the distractions of the outside world.

As I try to clear all thoughts, worries and stresses of the day’s news, Nicky begins talking to me in a calm, soft tone.

She starts describing the small room we’re in, the paintings on the walls, the sound of wind drumming against the rooftop window.

The feeling is gradual, but as her gentle descriptions of the relaxed room continue, my body slips into a feeling of encompassing relaxation.

As we approach the “level” where I need to reach to be within a trance, Nicky describes walking down a large flight of stairs, gradually making my way down, before pausing at the last step.

I’m urged to gently move down, descending into the trance state, at which I am totally relaxed.

It’s an incredibly surreal experience. I’m still very much aware of everything around me, where I’m sat, and what I’m doing.

My thoughts are still in my head, about what I have to write up once I’m back in the office, how much time I have to get things finished, what film I plan to see at the weekend.

All the stresses and goings on of my day-to-day life.

Yet they’re not bothering me. I’m fully aware they’re there, but none of them are any worry to me, as in this state I feel I’m protected from anything intruding my relaxation.

After a few minutes in this very pleasant state, Nicky begins speaking again, getting me to walk back up the stairs, gradually bringing my arms, legs, shoulders and head out of the trance state, before I open my eyes, and the spell is over.

That was the taster I was given for Nicky’s Tigris Talks Coaching.

She has just moved to Heybridge, having qualified as a hypnotherapist and talking coach.

The notion behind the hypnotherapy is to bring someone into the trance state, so they can be completely concentrated on the problems they want to address without any interference from the stresses of the outside world.

It’s not difficult to see how this could work after being in a trance, when you’re that relaxed you feel nothing can get in the way from the outside.

Though it is interesting to hear how people will have conversations in that state, as to me it felt any action on my part would break the spell.

“In normal sessions, the notion of talking would be integrated in my speech when bringing someone into the trance,” Nicky said.

“That way, they will know that’s what will be happening once they’re down there, and the subconscious will be prepared for it.”

Nicky’s sessions start with a free consultation, where she will get to know her visitor, establish a repertoire, and ensure this treatment is the right thing for them.

“Some will come for the consultation, and then not come back,” she said.

“Some will carry on with a few more sessions, but it’s all on the individual.

“It’s extremely important to take the first session to get the strong repertoire, for people to be completely at ease with me and what’s going to happen.

“I’m not here to just take people’s money, I believe in this day and age this treatment can be just as beneficial, to completely switch off from everything in the world.”

The sessions can focus on tackling an addiction, such as smoking and drinking, but it can focus on any issue that anyone has in their lives.

From day one, Nicky has never set out with the guarantee that her therapy will 100 per cent cure an addiction, but that the sessions will give people the power and strength to help fight them.

She added: “The power of talking to someone shouldn’t be overlooked. Everyone who comes in here will be in complete control the whole time. It’s certainly not like what’s portrayed in films.

“For me one of the nicest things about this is that I can sit and get to know so many people, and bring them into a state of utter relaxation by simply speaking words.”

Nicky works flexible hours, with sessions priced at £35 an hour, with the first consultation free.


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January 1, 2018 at 03:33AM

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