You're reading 7 Paths to Self-Improvement, originally posted on Pick the Brain | Motivation and Self Improvement. If you're enjoying this, please visit our site for more inspirational articles.
Self-improvement is a broad field. It can mean being a better person, learning something new, accomplishing more, or simply figuring out how to better enjoy the life you have. Even the inspiration to improve can come from a number of different places: boredom, staleness, recurring problems, or a general feeling of dissatisfaction or inadequacy. But just because you know it’s time for something to change, it’s not always easy to know where to start. There are plenty of resources out there, but it can be hard to find one that speaks to you and your particular motivations. The internet is full of suggestions, but a quick search shows that it might be too full. During my last motivational quest, looking for “self-improvement ideas” turned into hours of reading, as I skimmed literally hundreds of lists, some of them with only a few items, but others dozens or even hundreds of suggestions long. Worse, the suggestions were all over the place. Meditate. Learn a new language. Stop biting your nails. (What if you don’t bite them? Should you start and then stop?) Get up earlier and go to bed earlier. (Is that actual improvement, or just shifting things around to better conform with some puritanical code?) After hours of reading, I actually felt more confused about what to do than before I’d started searching. Eventually I decided to try to organize the suggestions, lumping similar ideas and trends into what became broad categories, which I call the Seven Axes of Development. (Okay, that spells SAD, which isn’t the goal. Ignore that.) They are:- Intellectual - learning facts or mental skills, or otherwise improving the mind.
- Physical - becoming stronger, faster, fitter, bionic. Well, maybe not bionic.
- Acquiring Talents - unlike the previous two items, which are relatively general, talents might have both a mental and physical component, but are really about doing a distinctive thing. Learning how to juggle, for instance, or playing an instrument, or learning an art or craft.
- Organizational - cleaning, decluttering, time management.
- Interpersonal - connecting. Improving the quality of relationships, from the most casual of co-workers to the most significant of others.
- Experiential - seeking out new sensations and experiences. This could be as involved as international travel, or as simple as savoring a pleasant aroma.
- Removal - getting rid of bad habits, or reducing negative effects on your life.
Aaron Rath is a novelist and humorist who nurtures a love for self-inflicted ordeals, such as this 30-day self-improvement challenge, which eventually became The Quirkz Handbook to Self-Improvement for People Who Are Already Pretty Okay.
You've read 7 Paths to Self-Improvement, originally posted on Pick the Brain | Motivation and Self Improvement. If you've enjoyed this, please visit our site for more inspirational articles.
Self Help Gurus etcvia Pick the Brain | Motivation and Self Improvement
October 29, 2017 at 10:49PM
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