This Is Your Brain on Business (Fortune):
“…here’s a sign of how quickly things move in neuroscience: Earlier this year, another paraplegic man, Rodrigo Hübner Mendes, became the first person to drive a race car solely with his mind.
Some might even argue that mind controlled driving is not as impressive as making paralyzed people move their limbs—since for neuroscientists, controlling objects thanks to cutting-edge brain-computer interfaces has become quite common. What is noteworthy in Hübner Mendes’ driving performance is that the device he employed to control the race car – a portable and wireless wearable headset monitoring brainwaves manufactured by Emotiv, a San Francisco-based company that I advise—can be ordered online for the price of an X-Box console.
In fact, it’s already being used by thousands of gamers to move their avatars in virtual worlds with their mind, freeing their hands to shoot monsters. Others use the headset to monitor their sleep or meditate. The automotive industry is using it to monitor the level of attention of drivers and have cars stop automatically or sound an alarm when the drivers start falling asleep. It is being used in other sectors where attention to information is a life-and-death matter, by airline traffic controllers and nuclear plant operators. What was science fiction not so long ago is now just a couple of clicks away from everyone’s mailbox.”
To learn more
- Infographic & Report on Pervasive Neurotechnology: A Groundbreaking Analysis of 10,000+ Patent Filings Transforming Medicine, Health, Entertainment and Business
- 10 neurotechnologies about to transform brain enhancement and brain health
- Five reasons the future of brain enhancement is digital, pervasive and (hopefully) bright
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via SharpBrains http://sharpbrains.com
May 2, 2017 at 03:12AM
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